black lemon/bibs


Digital concept
We built a platform for BIBS in three months. In these three months, our main focus was scalability and structured data for growth. First BIBS came to us with a wish for a B2B platform. Later on they wanted to expand our cooperation and we started working on a B2C platform for them.
Strategy / Digital Design / Marketing
We not only built an e-commerce platform, but also a digital concept development
Months solution
Revenue increase
The case

BIBS first came to us in connection with a desire to get help building their digital B2B platform. After a good collaboration, they once again wanted to work closely with us, this time with a focus on building and scaling a completely new B2C concept. The digital concept was built around the Shopify Plus platform with regular sales and subscriptions.


We built BIBS’ new B2C concept with having in mind that they should scale across multiple continents with multiple warehouses. A solution that was built in just 3 months. To help them get into multiple continents they needed multiple markets. We went live with 5 websites within 1.5 years.


Black Lemon helped BIBS with their internalization. In one year BIBS had a revenue increase of +725%. They also had a customized product page, header and footer, made only for their brand identity.

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